Yes, WordSearch 12 is compatible with Windows 10. The price can vary, so it is recommended to check the official website or retailer for the current pricing.
It seems that there is an issue with opening Bible Explorer, where it shows the error message "BitMaps is not a Valid Book type." This indicates that there might be a problem with the book type or format. It would be advisable to check the compatibility and validity of the book file being opened in the program.
Unfortunately, Wordsearch for Windows does not have a customer service contact line. You may be able to find answers to your questions by searching the internet for user forums or other resources related to the program.
Yes, WordSearch 12 is compatible with Windows 10. The price can vary, so it is recommended to check the official website or retailer for the current pricing.
I currently have Wordsearch 10. Will Wordsearch 12 work on the same computer?
Yes, Wordsearch does contain the New American Standard translation. Wordsearch 12 should work on the same computer as Wordsearch 10.
My laptop is getting serviced. I need to download Wordsearch 12 on my current laptop. Word Search 12 Needing to download it to my current laptop.
i am also searching for the same answer. so if you find the answer you are a better searcher than me. It seams like an endless effort and
It seems that there is an issue with opening Bible Explorer, where it shows the error message "BitMaps is not a Valid Book type." This indicates that there might be a problem with the book type or format. It would be advisable to check the compatibility and validity of the book file being opened in the program.
The reason why the "WORDsearch" bible software is free or available for a price of $12 is not mentioned in the provided information.
The answer to the question is to check the website for the program to see if there are any updates or patches available for Wordsearch 11.
Unfortunately, Wordsearch for Windows does not have a customer service contact line. You may be able to find answers to your questions by searching the internet for user forums or other resources related to the program.