At WORDsearch Bible, search is middle name, so brought you a raft of refinements to give you less search time and more think time.
Word Variants. This feature is going to save you a lot of time and frustration in missed references:
Plurals. With plurals enabled you can search for "loaf" and find "loaves", for "mouse" and find "mice", for "fungus" and find "fungi". If you'd rather not find fungi, turn it off with a click.
Verb Forms. With verb forms enabled, you can search for 'be' and find 'was', 'is', 'were', 'been', 'am', and... you get the idea.
ANDNOT has been added to AND, OR, and NEAR to give you a full complement of Boolean operators which may be keyed or clicked into your search text.
Condensable Results View by Bible Book. Sometimes you find so much stuff, it's hard to grasp. Now our search results nest the "hits" by book of the Bible, so you can expand only the ones that interest you.
Results In Book Order or by Number of Hits. See your results in the normal book order, or with the books having the most hits at the top.
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